The Blue Water Running Podcast

Episode #33: Top Moments of 2024

Meran Season 1 Episode 33

Top Blue Water Running Moments of 2024

Welcome to the final stretch of 2024!  As we finish another incredible year of local athletics, I’d like to take a moment to look back on the highlights and achievements of the Blue Water Area and how local athletes have shown us what it means to push limits, break barriers, and strive for greatness.  

I'm your host, Meran, and this is episode #33 of The Blue Water Running Podcast. In this special year-end episode, we'll spotlight the standout performances, record-breaking moments, and inspiring stories from cross country and track and field in our community this year. So, lace up your shoes, prepare to sprint into the new year, and join me as we celebrate the best of Blue Water Running from 2024. 

As we head into the new year, I’m so excited to see what's in store for our local athletes. Keep dreaming, keep working, and I will see you out there soon. Here’s a quote from Amby Burfoot, the Boston Marathon winner in 1968 and the editor-in-chief of Runner’s World for many years.  “Running has taught me, perhaps more than anything else, that there's no reason to fear starting lines... or any other new beginnings”.

I want to thank everyone who has supported Blue Water Running this year.  It’s been a true honor and privilege to get to know you and be able to showcase your accomplishments to the community and beyond.  Thanks again to our listeners for tuning in.   If you missed any of our episodes this year, be sure to check them out on the website at (, or by searching for The Blue Water Running Podcast on your favorite podcasting app.  Don't forget to follow Blue Water Running on social media to stay up-to-date on all the latest news and updates from local track and field and cross country in the Blue Water Area on Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok, and YouTube.  If you’d like to partner with Blue Water Running to advertise your business and promote local runners, please reach out via the website or social media links!

I wish you a happy and healthy 2025.  Work hard, set big goals, and believe that this new year is another opportunity to chase your dreams.

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